Instant online pricing (a.k.a. instant quoting) is a standard feature of all Aleyant Pressero™ e-commerce storefronts. When adding a product to your online storefront, you can choose from three different types of instant pricing calculators: Interactive Pricing Calculator, Price Break, or Unit of Measure. All three options are included with every Pressero storefront e-commerce system at no extra charge. Your customers will see the cost of a print job order instantly.

Interactive Instant Pricing Calculator (Excel-Based)

online instant price calculator illustrationThis illustration shows an example of an instant price calculator—sometimes called an instant quote calculator—for a web to print brochure.

When your customer makes selections from the choices you give them, the price will change instantly.

The calculator is based on an Excel spreadsheet custom generated by the Pressero storefront system based on the various options you specify for the product. An advanced option is available at an extra charge for those who want to create the Excel template exclusively in Excel.

The pull-down menu labels (e.g., "Printing", "Paper", etc.), the contents of the pull-down menus, the price, as well as displaying an "Each" price are determined and controlled by you.

Click here to see a live example in a new window.

Price Break Instant Pricing Calculator

online instant price break calculator illustrationThis illustration shows an example of an instant price break calculator for a web to print sell sheet.

Your customer enters the quantity they need and the price will change instantly.

The calculator is based on prices and quantity breaks you enter in the Pressero storefront system.

"Unit of Measure" Instant Pricing Calculator

Unit of Measure instant price calculator illustrationThis illustration shows an example of a "Unit of Measure" instant price calculator for a web to print business card.

This type of calculator is based on selling containers of a product (e.g., cartons, boxes, bags, pallets, etc.). Your customer enters a quantity, selects the container type or size from the choices you give them, and the price will display instantly.

The calculator is based on prices and text you enter in the Pressero storefront system.