You rely on Aleyant Pressero™ to make online ordering easy and convenient for your customers and that includes enabling them to order printing from a mobile device. Your Pressero web-to-print storefront business is built on enabling ordering anytime, anywhere, and Aleyant is keeping you on the leading edge with a variety of mobile-friendly website options. 

Pressero Mobile2Print (M2P) storefronts can give you a competitive advantage to sell more printing no matter where you customers are, when they are, or what device they are using.

A "Must Have" Mobile2Print Feature: Responsive Designs

When creating a storefront in the Pressero W2P software you have a variety of mobile-friendly "responsive design" skins to choose from that work equally well with laptops and desktops. 

Responsive designs automatically adapt the store layout to your customer’s viewing device and can eliminate your customers dealing with tedious pinching and zooming and scrolling. 

These beautiful skins are part of the growing website library included with Pressero . Best of all, they are free.

Bonus! Rotating Banners

The mobile-friendly designs also support rotating banners. Check out a sample of one of the web-to-print responsive designs here:

Wait, There’s More

The responsive designs also enable your customers to choose how they want the products and categories to display on your home page. The default is rows & columns, but can be changed to a list view instead. There is also a “Featured Products” ribbon your customer can use to scroll through highlighted products.

  • Mobile-friendly responsive designs included with all Pressero plans
  • They are self-optimizing for use with a wide range of smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktops
  • All support 5 rotating banners
  • Your customers can choose to display the home page products and categories with either rows and columns, or as a list
  • Home page “Featured Products” ribbon
Of course you also have great controls for customizing the navigation menu content, the color scheme, the branding, domain name, the site text, product descriptions, the images, individual page URL’s, SEO, and more. Pressero also has a library of traditional website layouts to choose from that are not based on responsive design.

A Must Have W2P Online Design, VDP and Personalization Feature: html5

Online design templates that run under html5 instead of Flash enable them to be used on a wider variety of devices, including iPads and other tablets. Of course your Aleyant eDocBuilder™ interactive design online templates have been using tablet-friendly html5 for years. Aleyant was a pioneer in the movement to html5, enabling our customers to sell more printing over more devices to more people. However, like any tool, you want to choose what's appropriate for the task. For some project a laptop or desktop would be better suited than the smaller format of a smartphone.

M2P and Short Run Print Jobs

As the size of print orders decrease towards orders of one, the need to automate the workflow to eliminate "touches" increases. Mobile-to-Print orders may accelerate that trend for some print products. That's where Aleyant Automated Workflow Integrator™ (AWI) can help.  AWI can automatically bring orders from your online storefronts into your production process. Using XML or JDF, AWI can feed orders to other systems such as HP SmartStream. Integration with preflighting, imposition, shipping management and more are just some of the way's you can reduce turnaround times, increase profits and take advantage of web-to-print and mobile-to-print opportunities.