Connecting the Print Store to Print Production

Eliminating waste to reduce costs is not only about looking at raw materials, but also the time and labor involved in producing a job. Removing "touches" (manual intervention by a person) through automation of the order entry to production to shipping to the billing process is part of that cost reduction goal. Aleyant's API for XML Web Services can be part of the solution, as can the Aleyant Automated Workflow Integrator™.

workflow and process automation
Aleyant Automated Workflow Integrator
 – Aleyant's Automated Workflow Integrator (AWI) is a desktop application that automates online job submission into the production process using hot folders. It integrates the Aleyant Pressero™ storefront order placement system with backend production workflow systems, eliminating the need to manually download and sort orders.
  • Connects to your Pressero Orders automatically
  • Downloads orders on a schedule you set
  • Hierarchically applies multiple downloading rules
  • Places orders into local or network hotfolders 
  • Filter's orders into production workflow based on file types
  • Filter's orders into production workflow based on attributes for product, or equipment requirements
  • Creates subfolders for each order item if desired
  • Adds download date and time to file names for quality control
  • Displays download percentage status bar and activity log
  • Lists orders and items processed
  • Selectively reprocesses due to rule changes, accidental file deletion by staff
  • Mac, Windows, Linux

Web to Print Workflow Overview

Automated Workflow Integrator is configured by the user to connect with the online storefront(s) job management area on a set schedule, retrieve files and order data based on configurable criteria, and push them into user defined hot folders. This enables orders to be automatically placed into product or production specific workflows, saving labour and time. To facilitate internal processes and quality control, files can be automatically renamed by Automated Workflow Integrator with dates, etc.

Automated Workflow Integrator is ideal for those who want a ready to use but highly flexible integration between the online storefronts and the production process without the expense and programming of using XML Web Services. However, an API for XML Web Services is available as well.